Loot Modifier
Loot modifiers offers different actions which can be applied like adding loot, replacing it or even modify it. On this section you will find different actions you can use.
Besides actions you can also apply any loot condition and loot function to the loot modifier.
- Syntax:
.addLoot(item: string | Item | LootEntry)
, see LootEntry
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
// We can also use a loot entry. If all conditions from the entry matches, it will be added
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
// We can also use multiple ones
.addLoot("minecraft:gunpowder", "minecraft:apple")
According to the Minecraft Wiki: Will only add the first successful (conditions are met) item to the loot pool. If no item is successful, no item will be added.
- Syntax:
.addAlternativesLoot(....items: string | Item | LootEntry)
, see LootEntry
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
* First loot entry with a condition. Will drop if the player has fortune.
const stickWhenFortune = LootEntry.of("minecraft:stick")
.when(c => c.matchMainHand(ItemFilter.hasEnchantment("minecraft:fortune")))
* Second loot entry with a condition. Will drop if the player has silk touch and the first entry doesn't match.
const appleWhenSilkTouch = LootEntry.of("minecraft:apple").when(c =>
* No conditions just an item, so this will always drop if the other two don't.
const ironIngot = "minecraft:iron_ingot"
.addAlternativesLoot(stickWhenFortune, appleWhenSilkTouch, ironIngot)
Will add multiple items which will be rolled one after another. According to the Minecraft Wiki, it will add all items until one condition fails. After that no more items will be added.
- Syntax:
.addSequenceLoot(....items: string | Item | LootEntry)
, see LootEntry
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
* First loot entry with a condition. Will drop if the player has fortune.
const stickWhenFortune = LootEntry.of("minecraft:stick").when(c =>
* Second loot entry with a condition. Will drop if the player has silk touch.
const appleWhenEfficiency = LootEntry.of("minecraft:apple").when(c =>
* Simple item without conditions or anything else, will drop
const flint = "minecraft:flint"
* Random chance is 0 so no diamond will ever drop. Just to show, that it will skip all other entries.
const diamondNoDrop = LootEntry.of("minecraft:diamond").when(c => c.randomChance(0.0))
* No conditions just an item, but this will not drop, because the previous entry failed.
const ironIngot = "minecraft:iron_ingot"
.addSequenceLoot(stickWhenFortune, appleWhenEfficiency, flint, diamondNoDrop, ironIngot)
Remove all items
which matches the given ItemFilter.
- Syntax:
.removeLoot(items: string | Item | LootEntry)
, see LootEntry
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
Replaces all items
which matches the given ItemFilter with a replacement. It's also possible to preserve the original count.
- Syntax:
.replaceLoot(item: string | Item | LootEntry, replacement: string | Item | LootEntry)
, see LootEntry.replaceLoot(item: string | Item | LootEntry, replacement: string | Item | LootEntry, preserveCount?: boolean)
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
.replaceLoot(ItemFilter.equipmentSlot("mainhand"), "minecraft:diamond")
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
.replaceLoot("#c:ores", "minecraft:gunpowder", true)
For every item
in the current loot pool which matches the given ItemFilter, a callback will be called. LootJS
will pass the item into the callback to modify it and return the item
. Make sure to always return an item
- Syntax:
.modifyLoot(items: string | Item | LootEntry, onModify: (item) => { ... })
, see LootEntry
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
event.addTypeModifier("chest").modifyLoot(ItemFilter.ENCHANTED, item => {
// We will remove the enchantments component from the item
// So un-enchant it.
return item
Triggers a lightning strike at the position the loot is dropped at. The items
will not be destroyed.
- Syntax:
.triggerLightningStrike(shouldDamagePlayer: boolean)
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
Drops an amount
of experience on the position where the loot will be dropped.
- Syntax:
.dropExperience(amount: NumberProvider)
, see NumberProvider
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
Creates a loot pool, which acts as a normal pool from a loot table. See LootPool for more details.
- Syntax:
.pool(onCreate: (pool) => { ... })
, see LootPool
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
event.addTableModifier("minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon").pool(pool => {
// Work with the pool
Creates a new nested loot modifier. You can also pre-filter it, so you can only work with a subset of items.
- Syntax:
.group(onCreate: (modifier) => { ... })
.group(filter: ItemFilter, onCreate: (modifier) => { ... })
, see ItemFilter
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
event.addTableModifier("minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon").group(modifier => {
// Work with the modifier
Adds a custom action to the loot modifier. The action gives you access to the LootContext and a list of items which can be used to modify the loot.
- Syntax:
.customAction(action: (context, bucket) => { ... })
LootJS.modifiers(event => {
event.addTypeModifier("chest").customAction((context, loot) => {
if (loot.hasItem("#c:ores")) {